Meet the Team

Jenn Luchuk

Owner & Operator, Bookworm of Thrillers & Fantasy

Jenn is a spouse & mother of two children, two dogs, three cats living together in Martintown, Ontario. Her family is the most important thing to her, followed by anything bookish, knitting, & exploring the mystical world of crystals. Jenn’s professional background includes working as a Registered Nurse & Social Worker. Her passion for reading, connecting with the community, & social justice has led her towards her lifelong dream of owning a book store.

Matt Willis

Owner & Operator, Bookworm of Mysteries & Science Fiction

Matt is a devoted spouse & father to his family in Martintown, Ontario. He enjoys gardening & is a proud member of the Martintown Volunteer Fire Fighters. Matt has a professional history of working in the trades in various capacities & has been employed as a Telecommunications Technician since 2011. Matt is a self-described bookaholic & lover of many genres of literature. He enjoys discovering new authors & loves epic Science Fiction series, historical mysteries, & classic literature.

Adam L.

Tech Support & Inventory Management, Avid Gamer

Adam is an invaluable member of The Book Garden staff, who assists with maintenance of the website and manages the large & ever-changing book inventory. He is a regular presence with The Book Garden at local markets. Adam is an avid gamer who loves to connect with friends online & engage with the gaming community.